Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Printers: Stop the Insanity!

STOP THE INSANITY! Motivational speaker, Susan Powter, with her trademark buzz-cut screamed that across the TV airwaves in the mid-90s to educate people on weight loss.

Too many print shop owners, today, display all the classic symptoms of insanity: doing the same thing over-and-over and expecting a different outcome. They repeatedly try selling exactly the same products and services all their competitors sell to all the same customers. Rather than the success they hope for, they most often find other printers get the jobs at a low, low prices

The laws of supply and demand tell us that when demand is stagnant but the supply increases that prices will fall. There has never been so much competition (supply) in the print industry as there is today and the demand for printed material is certainly not growing rapidly. This creates the perfect condition for prices to be pushed lower-and lower until something changes (fewer suppliers or more demand).

The way to escape printers' insanity is very clear: offer products and services different from those everyone else offers. This is much easier to do when you see your product as communications solutions rather pounds of paper. As a communications solutions provider, you look for ways to add more value, such as efficiency and effectiveness, to a print job. Look for ways to get more response or better response while minimizing non-productive communications. Such efforts often require little more than some thought and creativity. 

To stop the insanity…find the best ways to add some extra value for each of your customers.

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